Tuesday, February 18, 2014
These Are Some of My Favorite Things
✤If you are like me you have a plethora of Instagram photos- but what to do with them? Printic is a great option- but isn't exactly cheap. I stumbled across this tutorial the other day, that I might be willing to give a shot.
✤I love a good list of advice- particularly when it comes to advice regarding your twenties. This had some particular gems that really hit home for me.
✤The day-to-day lives of dancers have always fascinated me. I love this side by side comparison of a "normal" life to a dancers life.
✤A good cup of of chai is one of my favorite warm drinks. With all this blustery winter weather here in DC, this recipe that a friend recommended is on my list of things to make.
✤Winter always makes me crave pasta, and this recipe is looking pretty tasty. Followed by this dessert, I am pretty sure I'd have a meal made in heaven.
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