Thursday, October 22, 2009

Big Girl Phone

Well I made the leap! I traded it my cute little LG Chocolate (which I must say I had an outstanding relationship with, but all phones must be put to rest at some point) and upgraded to a Blackberry. I feel so sophiticat....or not considering I am still fumbling around figuring out how to answer the thing. And I will say my ity bity hands have a hard time wrapping themselves around it. But I can't complain about having the web and my email with me at all times. I have already been saved a few times by the use of the web. But I do feel oh so grown up now. Wearing some real big girl pants now.

Well this kicks up a long series of updates. Yes I know I have been horrible with keeping this updated recently, which is rather unfortunate considering that right now I feel like my life turned upside down, shook side-to-side, then did 25 pirouettes. However, oddly as I type that I know that life is exactly as it should be. But hopefully I can scrape my memory for what has been going on in the last few weeks so I can have some sort of memory of this point in my life!

oh and for reference, those of you blessed to have my cell phone didn't change with the adoption of the BB. Oh and please don't let me become one of "those" people who is always on her phone when we are out together. I don't want to turn into that girl.

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