Friday, March 11, 2011

I Went to the Zoo Zoo Zoo, How about You You You?

Super Bowl Sunday. Yes, forever ago. I know. I obviously have been experiencing some writers block, or just sheer lack of motivation to write here. Which is bad bad bad. Back to the story. Super Bowl Sunday started to shape up as a day where I had zero invites, so to keep myself from sinking into "omgiwishedilivedinseattledbecausemysociallifestillreallyreallysucksincomparisonhereandigetsoupsetaboutit" mode I decided to go to the zoo and see if I could get a glimpse of the new lion cubs that were born not too long ago. I sadly missed the lion cubs BUT I did get some other great animal sightings. To start I got to see these little guys:

Sadly these 6 little guys, who are brothers, won't be at the DC zoo much longer. The zoo is trading them for a set of breeding ones, since obviously these ones can't produce offspring. I showed up just when it was feeding time and they were all perched on those rocks, trying not to fall into the ditch separating them from the fence. The were squeaking like it was their job. A zoo keeper showed up with little fish to feed them and she shared that the six brothers are called the "six pack" and are all named after a beer. I don't remember them all but there was Bud, Miller, and Dos who has cataracts.

They were so stinking cute! They would kind of clap their paws together and stand up on their back legs to beg for more fish. I loved it!

I also got to see the tiger and lion who are always asleep in their den when I go to the zoo, so it was a treat to see them out and about.

Did I mention that the weather was awesome? I was in a light fleece and actually had to take it off and carry it because it was so warm and sunny! Also for all you people who don't live here-- to make you a bit jealous (which is hard if you live in Seattle or Idaho), the zoo is F-R-E-E. Yup, all the time. Unreal huh?


  1. i like that the otters are named after beers. remember when we went there and only saw the elephant? awful.

  2. Hey, I was at the zoo that day too! And we totally saw the otters. So adorable!
