Friday, July 15, 2011

Getting Acquainted

Tonight I had a quick ADPi event and then was home earlier than I have been most of the week. This week seemed brutal for some reason. Lots of stress. To-do lists that never ended (and still never end). Topped off with a Friday of being thrown into something totally out of my comfort zone. Needless to say, my plans to just relax and enjoy my weekend with very few commitments, plans or aspirations was set forth this evening. A lovely co-worker of mine loaned me her Harry Potter: Deathly Hallows part 1 DVD which I watched to brush up on my HP in anticipation for my date with “Samley” on Sunday. (Does anyone remember combining Sean and Alli’s names? Going down memory lane over here). Back on track.

After some HP I was watching Confessions of a Shopaholic on TV and reading up on some blogs I have been behind on for awhile. I started reading the Pioneer Woman’s posts on photography and I got all into working with my Nikon and getting to know her a little bit more.

We have been together for over a month now and our relationship has been slower than I had hoped. I just haven’t had time to really get my hands on her and see how she works. The Pioneer Woman has done a great job writing about the “S” and “A” settings. So tonight just because I had some extra time I tried playing around with some random things that are in my 415 glorious sq. feet. What I came up with is no doubt amateur, but better than with just my little point and shoot. This is what we captured lately:


These were taken home from the store a few weeks back because I love them and also had an occasion to have flowers on my table for dinner.

Oh goodness did I forgot to share what came in that perfect teal box right there?? Well I will show that off later, but it makes my heart flutter just thinking about it.
This use to be the bar that all my pots and pans hung from in my Alexandria apartment. Not that I have the better hanger set-up I use this one just for the lids and other misc. kitchen things that I need at the ready when I am in there.

So there it is. A slow progression but I guarantee it is leaps and bounds from where I was when I first opened that birthday present!

Anyone else have any easy to follow photography tips, how-tos, beginners guides that they would like to share so I can become a pro photographer in no time?

1 comment:

  1. I read this one: but it's kind of a mix of shooting techniques and a bunch of technical blah blah
