Well as you all saw. My trusty dresser, which has survived the following moves:
1) Shifts around the Alexandria Apartment
2)Alexandria Apartment into T Street Apartment
3) T Street Apartment to Current 415 Abode
It was also the $70 dresser. I shouldn’t be horribly surprised that when I tried to fix the collapsed drawer I showed awhile back, the whole drawer just went caput. (PS have I really been living with a collapsed drawer in my dresser for over a month!!???!! Can anyone say living the bachelorette lifestyle and loving it?) Luckily I have been hankering for a trip to IKEA. Luckily I was able to swindle A1-1-1 to go with me to go pick out a new dresser and purchase some other unnecessarybutimusthavethisorIwon’tliveacompletelifeandIwillfeeldevoidandempty items.
We settled on this:
I wanted the version that was taller and had a few more drawers but since my spacious closet is quickly growing increasingly crowded and stress-inducing we decided a looming dresser would only make it feel smaller. This one is only a few inches in each direction bigger than what I have now. The major point is that is has new drawer construction which will hopefully prohibit the same drawer problem to happen again.
I also got a bundt pan/spring form round cake pan that I can’t wait to use. I may be baking myself a cake. And then while I stady for the the GMATs end up eating it Miranda style out of the trash can in my kitchen.
This is why I am not sure why they let me have a ticket to being an adult.
Speaking of GMATs. This stuff is getting serious. I need to get my act together and take this thing before my level of stupid gets any worse! I swear! I also have the chance to take my PHR coming up very soon and I don’t think I can manage my work, ADPi volunteering, running, social/dating life with studying for not one but TWO tests.
Anyone with studying techniques when you feel like you have been out of school forever and have no idea how to retain standardize testing knowledge---let me know.
Did I mention the dresser is still in its box? Off to the side of my TV- just so I can watch TV. Still a little put off that IKEA directions indicate you need a friend to put their stuff together. It would be nice if they included that second person in the box with all the other parts in that nice little plastic bag of do-dads. Maybe this weekend we will drag out the rejected dresser and get the new one all set-up.
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