Monday, August 15, 2011

Metal Chicken Sighting

About a month ago Miss Sara sent me a link to a hilarious blog post. (Sara is the queen of keeping me up to date on great blogs so my reading doesn't get stale!). I was at work when I read TheBloggess's story about her discovering and delivery of a giant metal chicken. You have to go read her story (I still cry laughing I find it so funny) and then make sure you read the first follow-up. And then finally- her latest installation about the metal chicken.

Well last weekend we were out on the the Eastern Shore in MD getting some crabs (post soon about MD blue crabs, their lungs, and really having to work for your meal) and we saw this guy:

Look familiar?

Sara- I almost bought him for you. Sadly I don't think I would have been forgive if I would have suggested strapping him to the top of the car.

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