Thursday, December 17, 2009

nahnahnahnahnah hey hey gooooodbye

I am headed to the airport in just a bit to catch my flight to I-D-A-H-O and I am so excited. I can not wait to see the poodle tonight, the 'rentals and on Saturday Nicole and Wyatt!

This cold that has been making me feel a bit blah will hopefully go away after a relaxing day tomorrow. I have a lot of Christmas shopping to do...ok more like ALL of it. But I am so ready for baking, gingerbread house making, movie watching, smack-down with the poodle, some Idaho football and some major nephew time.

Everyone keep your fingers crossed that I actually get home tonight (I finally learned and packed some extra clothes in a carry on so when my luggage doesn't arrive I at least have something to wear tomorrow). But I am stocked with some good reads, some work (if I get reaaaallly bored), a few DVDs and my furry hood vest that I can use as pillow in case of the off chance of a miracle and I fall asleep on my flight!

It is strange that while I am very very excited to go home and see my family, I am not dying to get out of DC like last year. I honestly could hardly get to the airport fast enough last year, and so much of me want to not buy that return ticket back. about it on BBTAs, its a mocking jerk of a concept that has some interesting implications. But the best thing about hindsight is when you look back, and see that in that 20/20 vision....everything turned out just fine. In fact, sometimes it turns out more than just fine and you find yourself exactly where you should be. (4 rules for living anyone?: The right people, what happens happens, things start, and things end and it all happens at the right times with the right people and in the right places). So there....that is my very small statement saying " I am not going to take out the little old ladies crowding towards the door of the plane to get on two seconds early to get out of this forsaken city" fact I just might be saying..." DC...I'll be back". OMG.

See you all on the other side/right side of the country!!

1 comment:

  1. West Coast = the Best Coast!!! Have fun - happy flight nap :)
