Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My Future Dentist

My other visitor from this month was another E. As some of you remember (yea way way way back when I actually used to blog) E lived in DC this past summer to do an internship on the hill. It was a great opportunity for us to re-connect and catch up as we have were pretty much raised together. I love how we can see each other and it is like no time has passed at all. E was in town this time for a dental lobbying event and it was really great to meet a fellow dental student of hers. She told me all about what she is working on it school and I guarantee she is going to be a fantastic dentist!

We had some great time together catching up, eating some great food, and seeing some wonderful things. A highlight for me was getting to go inside one of the amazing historic homes in Alexandria as she has a relative who lives in one of them. It was spectacular and beautiful. It smelled old and important. I swear. That same day we got invited to an impromptu dinner party hosted by Ben and it was a blast! Ben can do some amazing work in his crock pot!

We did get to do some DC touristy stuff:

E's friend who was with us had some good restaurant taste and wanted to eat at Zatinya, that I had only had drinks at before. We had a great meal which included grape leaves, goat (yes as in the animal that goes aghhhhhh).

I was sad to see E leave as well. I just don't do well with goodbyes these days. But I also love that she is living in one of the best cities on the Best Coast, so I know I will likely see her soon. Love that lady!

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