Tuesday, December 29, 2009

James Orr

Listen to this kids..He is awesome.

Paint Colors

This thought has really been bothering me recently.

Why do they even sell ugly paint colors???

I know that "good" paint colors are subjective but colors like "convict orange" and "pee yellow"...really? Why do we even let people have the option of picking these. People wonder why people make bad paint decisions...because we let them!!

Anyone...can you explain why we have ugly paint color options??

About tonight:

I had a great dinner at Redfeather with a few friends from high school tonight and had a great meal with some great company. The rest of my day was shopping/returning clothes with my mom, who is such a trooper to help me find awesome clothes! I ended up with a great black sweater dress and a grey sweater and some darling accessories. We shopped at Barbara Barbara which has been a favorite of mine for years. I will second the yelp reviews and say they take such great care of you and make you feel so cute when you do find a fabulous piece of clothing! And to also make a rebuttal, yes the clothes are expensive...FOR BOISE! The clothes here are a steal compared to DC prices...so stock up...especially if you are BBDakota or Jack BBDakota fan... because there stuff is darling and looks fabulous on my five foot frame.

After that my mom and I went to Cabellas to return a gift for my sister and I scouted the BBHP game to play with Erin and also scouted the fabulous Idaho Men in the store (can we same CAMO anyone?)

I am getting increasingly stressed about returning to DC. My family is awesome and Idaho is so beautiful. I miss seeing mountains and skiing and feeling like myself. But I also know there will be a huge amount of relief getting back to DC and knowing that I am not going to cry for days or plan on how I am going to pack my car with all of my stuff to move back to the west coast. At least I can say I have grown enough into DC, that I feel like I fit in, I have a place, and I like that place (even if I do miss my former lives). But...change is good. And I am growing in DC. Figuring out who I am, finding happiness in different things and learning to realize that the Idaho part of me will never leave, but i just have to figure out how to mix into my big-girl self.
Nicole and I take our gingerbread house building very seriously. Rather we don't do lame houses.

When I was younger I actually would make "blueprints" and would build the house from scratch. My best attempt to date was a GBH that ended up being referred to as the "cathedral". It got to be a bit bigger and more elaborate than planned.

This year we used pre-made gingerbread houses, but combined two kits to create a "Sun Valley McMansion" (yes pre-made, I know, BUT we were under a time crunch!). We also totally cheated and used hot glue to put the thing together but honestly I don't think I will ever go back to frosting construction again. The structural integrity (some architectural jargon courtesy of Nicole) was much stronger, and the construction period was much shorter, under budget and might push us into the LEED Silver or Gold range if we are lucky.

I must say I was very impressed with what we produced this year. Take a look!:

Construction Phase:

Completion: Back Yard. Check out the swimming pool with diving board complete with swimming/diving gummy bears.

Final product. My beautiful Christmas lilies in the background and the poodle getting ready to lick the house...

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Home for the Holiday(s)

My first week at home has been wonderful (despite STILL being sick, pretty sure I am going to lose my voice and have a cough for the next year of my life) but spending time with the family has been great. Wyatt and Nicole took off today (Jon had to go back yesterday which was sad, but I relished in every moment I got to spend with Wyatt. While I know I am a bragging Aunt, I think you would have to agree with me that Wyatt is the most amazing, adorable and sweet loving little guy you will ever meet! Last week I got to have an entire afternoon alone with him while Nicole took one of her architecture exams and it was the best 4 hours I have had in a long time. He is really engaged with people and laughs a lot! Last night I got him barreled over with laughs singing my version of "your a maniac a maniac!" he loved it! He hasn't started crawling yet, but he is getting really close and when you hold him sometimes he will start jumping up and down with his legs like he is in his jumper, so he is ready to go!

Here are some favorites of Wyatt:

Wyatt became increasingly aware of Theo and really wanted to "play" with him by the end of his visit. Luckily Theo can put up with Wyatt petting (rather pulling large chunk of fur). But I have a feeling Wyatt and Theo are going to be good buddies.

Me and Wyatt

Wyatt Hanging out with the Christmas tree awaiting Santa.
For Christmas eve we went to my Aunt Dixie's house for our traditional get together with them, my family and my cousins who live in Mtn. Home. It was crazy to see my second cousins...every year they get taller and more grown up! We did our usual Christmas gift game and then had a delish dinner and opened presents. My cousins got me a great little microwave steamer and my aunt and uncle got me a much needed scarf and glove set.

Christmas morning we got some exciting news... (More information to come!) and then ate breakfast, did stockings, and started on gifts. Wyatt had to take a break for a mid-morning nap but then joined us and was really into unwrapping (and eating) the wrapping paper. Family friends came over to see Wyatt (and us) and then the rest of the day consisted of constructing and decorating the gingerbread house ( another post) and decorating gingerbread cookies which is a long standing family tradition. We use food coloring and toothpicks to draw designs on the cookie frosting. Some turn out really cool...some are really ugly....

Tomorrow we are going to go skiing in the afternoon and then I am sure I am going to need to take a nap for sure. Hope everyone had a great Christmas!!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Doing Absolutely Fabulously Nothing

Today consisted of...nothing.

In a good way. Nicole had a good friend come over with her family to see Wyatt and then I took and nap along with Wyatt (boo being sick- I hope I get over this soon!) and then ran some errands with my mom and picked up some cold/cough medicine.

I have to comment that one thing I forget about being home is how quiet the world seems. Granted things in Idaho are just a tad bit...."slower", but in general there is just less noise. When you sleep you can hear the hum of the refrigerator upstairs. And when you walk outside you can hear a siren downtown. And that whole people are friendly, I forgot just how friendly. I am constantly taken aback by people talking, commenting and generally just treating you like their BFF. I am sure my face says "strange" every time it happens to me.

Hopefully tomorrow I really start to feel better because as much as a love lounging around my parents house, I am ready to get out and get some shopping done!

I will also say...and this is for the record books...I wish I was in DC and could play in the snow (BUT I am very thankful to be home safe and sound).

Friday, December 18, 2009

Wyatt is in the House

Wyatt and Nicole just showed up about an hour ago. Pretty sure I won't let anyone else hold the baby!! Here is the latest from our feeding adventure! Yummy peas!!

Miracle of miracles my flights all worked out yesterday which is even a bigger miracle since I am hearing word that DC is going to be getting about a foot of snow and a lot of my friends could be stuck in DC! I am so content to be home and enjoying time with my family.
My thoughts are with all of you trying to make it home for the holidays!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

nahnahnahnahnah hey hey gooooodbye

I am headed to the airport in just a bit to catch my flight to I-D-A-H-O and I am so excited. I can not wait to see the poodle tonight, the 'rentals and on Saturday Nicole and Wyatt!

This cold that has been making me feel a bit blah will hopefully go away after a relaxing day tomorrow. I have a lot of Christmas shopping to do...ok more like ALL of it. But I am so ready for baking, gingerbread house making, movie watching, smack-down with the poodle, some Idaho football and some major nephew time.

Everyone keep your fingers crossed that I actually get home tonight (I finally learned and packed some extra clothes in a carry on so when my luggage doesn't arrive I at least have something to wear tomorrow). But I am stocked with some good reads, some work (if I get reaaaallly bored), a few DVDs and my furry hood vest that I can use as pillow in case of the off chance of a miracle and I fall asleep on my flight!

It is strange that while I am very very excited to go home and see my family, I am not dying to get out of DC like last year. I honestly could hardly get to the airport fast enough last year, and so much of me want to not buy that return ticket back. Hindsight...read about it on BBTAs, its a mocking jerk of a concept that has some interesting implications. But the best thing about hindsight is when you look back, and see that in that 20/20 vision....everything turned out just fine. In fact, sometimes it turns out more than just fine and you find yourself exactly where you should be. (4 rules for living anyone?: The right people, what happens happens, things start, and things end and it all happens at the right times with the right people and in the right places). So there....that is my very small statement saying " I am not going to take out the little old ladies crowding towards the door of the plane to get on two seconds early to get out of this forsaken city"....in fact I just might be saying..." DC...I'll be back". OMG.

See you all on the other side/right side of the country!!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Oh Kate, You've Done it Again.

My love affair with Kate continues. Bows, ribbons, sequins and fabulous colors...what is there not to love?

Let's talk about that dress. (minus the tights, cute but not me!) I would rock feather headpiece as well!

The shoes might be the next LOML. Black satin ribbon and a bow? Yes that is right, made for me. Thank you Kate.
This green, so cute. The bow, so darling. The size, so perfect. I feel like I am goldylocks stumbling upon the "just right" porridge.
Ok, so hats...not cute on me. I just can't really pull them off. But this. This might be the exception. I can imagine myself looking pretty darn cute walking my poodle, wearing my black coat, rocking this hat and carrying that green clutch. Fabulous. I think so.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Another One...

These Christmas advertising campaigns always get me. Banana Republic has a sappy one that got to me this evening...

Someone slap me and my sentimental self and tell me to stop being a sap. (But admit it....cute. Right?)

Saturday, December 12, 2009

I've had Better

I drove to MD to do some Christmas shopping. Both the gifts I needed....sold out. Lame. Frustrating. Time to revamp plans.

THEN I drove around looking for parking for 2 hours. Seriously. Shoot me now. Just when I start to like DC I have a night where I want to put my head on my steering wheel and cry.

Again, lets attribute this all to being anxious to get home in 6 days!

Me Madre called tonight, I am so excited to spend time with my parents, sister, Jon, Poodle, ANNNNDD WWWWYYYYAAATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!

Work Holiday Party tomorrow...bring on the debauchery and please let me wake up feeling somewhat okay on Sunday.

Secret Elf reveal was today. I got this awesome book on walking tours of DC, sooo perfect for me!

ok waaay past bed time.

Night all! Hope everyone is snuggled up and bundled for this cold weather!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Maybe I am Awake Too Late But

Today I was super annoyed walking home. Please read Blackberries to Apples, to get a better understanding of my annoyance. For some reason everyone seemed to walk to slow, or their feet shuffling bothered me, of the fact that they were glued to their cell phone. I just wanted peace and quiet. I think I get like this right before I am leaving to go home. I am in the final stretch and I think I just get antsy and frustrated. Especially going home this time, I feel like my heart is stretched in a million directions right now. (ok more like three). I still miss home, I still miss Seattle and my friends, but I know when I am in Idaho there will be things about DC that I miss ( Did you fall out of your chair? Yea thats right, this place is growing on me).

Well I hope people walk better tomorrow. Or maybe I just need some sleep!

Secret Elf revealing at work tomorrow! And t-1 days until debacherous holiday party!!

The Main Attraction!!

So what you have all been waiting for, and what took me forever to get around to doing. Presenting.....The Apartment!!

Alright folks...

Here it is in all of it's glory...

I'm a little nervous to show you all these. It seems so personal. I feel a little vulnerable! Okay maybe that is a bit dramatic, but no judging!!

The door in back right is our front door. The door straight back and to the left is my roomates room.

Looking into the apartment from the front door you look into our dining/living area. And to the right is the door to my room, which we will get to later. You can see my Christmas lights and chandelier decorations.

Here is some more living room, TV, and the closed door is the 2nd door to my bedroom which I keep closed.

These are our little plants, my basil is starting to sprout, so hopefully some pesto in the near future.
The couch and other side of the living room.

The "reading nook"
The Kitchen, (minus the roaches)
More Kitchen, and if you look really closely you can see my giraffe measuring spoons next to my roommate's measuring geese.

Roommate's room
And finally.....MY ROOM! I love the shelves that I bought from the girl who lived here before me.
The duvet, Sun Valley Posters and Idaho plate

And then my little tiny bathroom.

So that is it! The abode! I feel so Carrie Bradshaw. If only I stored my extra clothes in the oven (which I might have to because my closet is SO packed). But I am a fan! Hope you all think it is as charming and darling as I do!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Here is a shout out to my newly dubbed hair dresser...Mark and Bang! I read some reviews, did some research and finally settled on trying out Mark and seeing what magic he could work with my fine, long, not-quite-grown-out-not-short-enough hair. He is the first stylist to encourage me to leave my bangs long and move away from having the traditional swoopy bang like I have had for past years, and going with a more sophiticated look with some longer bangs that frame my face. He also LISTENED! Usually I say " I am growing my hair out for locks of love so I don't want to lose a lot of length" and I leave 5 inches back from where I was in growing out my hair which is so defeating! Not Mark... Mark held true to his word and simply "clean-up my look". The thing I am most excited about, I am totally going to trust Mark when it comes time to chop the locks and go back to super short hair again. I love his consulting style AND his gift of gab. We had a great conversation that was more than favorite TV shows , and he also wasn't in any hurry to push me out the door. I also love that he seems to know his clients and I know if I return he will remember our conversation and my hair goals. Anyone in DC looking for a great hair stylish... I am sending a Holla to Mark!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Love This!

I saw this. Fell in love. And now can't think of anything else.

Too bad on me that long back would be a cathedral length train similar to Mrs. Kelly's wedding dress! Ahh the joys of being 5 feet tall.

10 Days! Eep!

In ten days I will be snug as a bug cuddling with the poodle in the green room (yes we have a room with green--rather teal carpet) watching Christmas movies and hopefully hearing the crackling noises of the fire.

While I am still in DC I wanted to make the apartment a little more festive so I brought out my glittery snowflakes, gold star garland and single string of lights and put some Christmas pizzaz around the apartment. I decorated our chandalier and according to my roomates BF it is very "Anthropologie-esque" which I love! The combination of christmas decor and the cold weather has gotten me super excited for Christmas.

To backtrack...This weekend was pretty low key. Friday night I grabbed dinner and drinks with Erin. While we were eating dinner I also saw the TV flash the news about Amanda Knox being found guilty. Strange to finally hear some sort of conclusion after two years and all the times of checking in on the case to see what was going on. Granted there will be appeal after appeal I am sure, but crazy to think Amanda has been in jail for two years while they have been holding this trial! After dinner we headed to grab some beers and then headed home for the evening.

Saturday I grabbed lunch with Scott to give back his keys and DVDs I had borrowed from pet sitting Puck. Note: It really looks like you are breaking up when a girl hands back keys and a DVD in public...kind of funny looks passed our way. That evening I started making some cookies for my cookie exchange with the ADPi Alum Board for the following evening. I ended up having to make two batches but now I have TONS of left over cookies (and other people's cookies sitting around!).

Sunday I finished baking and then headed to the board meeting and then came home and watched a movie.

Upcoming this week: Tomorrow I am getting my hair cut...a little nervous about this. Wednesday evening I am going to check out the Young HR professionals networking event hosted by SHRM. Can't turn down free wine and cheese! Hopefully I'll meet some cool young HR people. Saturday is my work's holiday party and I am very excited since last year I had a stomach flu and didn't really get to enjoy the party.

I need to squeeze in some Christmas shopping and hopefully picking up my new bedframe somewhere in there too!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Warm Fuzzies

I was doing some online browsing/shopping for Christmas today and the Tiffany's website pops up with this gem:

Warm fuzzies galore.

And then to top it off, I watched the "Give Voice to Your Heart" advertisement and Tiffany's does it again. I was a little misty-eyed. Check it out...with all this snow and blustery weather (yes it is SNOWING in DC) you'll feel all warm inside!

Sunday, November 29, 2009


I have skipped over some things that have gone down in the last month, so we will do the readers digest version of things I have glossed over.

Lindsey and Dan came to visit me at the end of October, and we had a great weekend catching up (and getting to know each other (me and Dan))

And then there was the Redskins game. I have wanted to go to a pro-football game for years and this was such a great game! The weather was amazing, the Redskins won, we had a fabulous time tailgating and best part...freeeeee tickets!

Sam, Ryan and Nicholas enjoying the good seats.Beautiful sunny day!
Final score!

This weekend I had a great and relaxing few days off. I had a minor (*cough* Major *cough*) roach issue in the kitchen that caused some serious tears and almost hyperventilation, but was remedied and Thanksgiving still went off without a hitch! Most notorious of my cooking feats: Brined my first bird, first time making mashed potatoes, learned how to roast beets AND made two pies completely from scratch!!

I was also pet sitting for a friend this weekend and I got to spend some quality time with this furry, fuzzy, goofball. Meet Puck the Husky (haha yes, my WSU friend thinks he is SOO smart...yea well who won APPLE CUP!!!)

Puck and I enjoyed some walks, dogparks and a lot of shedding together this weekend! Puck's pet comes home tomorrow and I will be back to being dogless!

So back to Apple Cup. I met up with Brooke, Keene and a friend of theirs who was in town visiting at a bar in Crystal City to watch the game. It was packed with Husky fans! Luckily we had an awesome game and defeated the Cougars and showed them to bow down to Washington. Bark for Sark people...

Sadly, in upcoming news, my New York trip has been postponed until 2010 (probably feb), which will be fine, and hopefully cheaper. Hotels were costing a fortune for this upcoming weekend!! But plans for Feb will happen and as long as I get to go I am a happy camper. Perhaps I will venture to NC to check out Furbish . I love Jamie's blog and have wanted to go see her store and hopefully meet Rowdy! Maybe squeak in a quick dinner with Mallory who is prepping for finals too!

Idaho is just around the corner and I can not wait to go home (with a different sentiment at heart time year). I can not believe how a year things looked so different. Not only has my life changed a lot...there are now FIVE in the family clan! (and if we want to go crazy...which I dare say we might...there are SIX...including Jon!!!) So crazy! I can't wait to experience Wyatt's first Christmas!!

Well I hope you all had a fabulous weekend like me!

PS Brooke may be helping me to re-vamp my blog...perhaps a leap from old to new? It seems fitting in light of all that has happened.

Oh and I must not forget...to follow blogging form for Thanksgiving...
Things I am Thankful For:
1) Family and Friends. And most importantly we are all Happy, Healthy and Loved. My family and friends are such amazing people and I can't imagine my life without them!
2) A roof over my head a job that provides and clothes on my back. I have an awesome job, with awesome people and in turn I can provide a great place for me to live (minus the roaches) and clothe myself in something besides a burlap sack.
3) Who I was, Who I am, and Who I am going to be. Cliche...yes. But this year has taught me that who I am is fabulous, life is one crazy adventure and where I am going, while I don't know where that is...is going to be great.
And some less serious things:
1) Chai Lattes
2) Fuzzy blankets
3) oversized sweats
4) winning apple cup

5) Christmas lights and holiday displays at the stores

6) good books

7) lint rollers (dog hair and fuzzy blankets shed like no other)

8) poodles (1 in particular)

9) my awesome car (I don't care if it is like 15 years old and looks like a mom-wagon..it is my mom-wagon)

10) and many other random things that bring a smile to my face!

Sunday, November 22, 2009


This weekend was packed. To illustrated my level of activity....

exhibit A.

I feel asleep on the couch tonight with a fork in my hand while eating dinner...

But I had an amazing weekend!!

Friday night I went out to celebrate a co-workers birthday at a bar just up the street from my office. Came home and went to sleep in preparation for my early morning on Saturday.

Saturday morning I walked the Help the Homeless walkathon that starts on the mall, circles the tidal basis and finishes up back near the Smithsonian metro stop. As we all know being anywhere at 8am is not one of my strong points, but I managed to make it! After the walk we headed to Lauriol Plaza which is just a hop and skip around the corner from my apartment to have lunch. After lunch since Scott came and brought Puck his Husky/German Shepherd we decided to check out the small dog park a few blocks from my apartment. I could have sat there all day and watched the dogs play! There was a puppy chow that look like a teddy bear! We wore Puck out and then walked back to put him in the car.

For the rest of the day I took a power nap and then started getting ready for an evening I have been looking forward to for a long time! Sam, a co-worker that I took to a a Caps game and then to the Redskins game last weekend (yes, needing a post) wanted to thank me for the tickets (totally unnessary, but very nice) by taking me to get drinks with him and his friends at PX in Alexandria.

We started out with dinner at Rustico where I started with the Beet salad once again, and then tried the fig and prosciutto pizza which was delish! I also got to have a glass of my Smuttynose brown dog ale...so good.

After dinner we headed over to PX, which gave me a fabulous excuse to wear my dress from graduation again which I adore. (ps someone finally lost 15 pounds! only 10-15 more to go!) They have a dress code so we all looked pretty spiffy and cleanup which I always enjoy. PX lounge is a speakeasy marked with a blue light, requires super advanced reservations and you ring a doorbell when you arrive...can we say beyond classy and fabulous?

I had three of the most amazing cocktails that I will probably ever taste in my life. The first was one with basil which was light and refreshing and a surprise for the taste buds. The second was my favorite, The Bellevue (yes I ordered it because it reminded me of Seattle!) but it had an amazing foam and a unique spoonstraw to sip and scoop! My last drink was the most "manly" one the evening for me with tequila and an unusual ice chunk. Honestly, this experience changed my perception of cocktails and the craft of mixology! I only hope and pray I can frequent this amazing establishment again. You should read up and gush! After a fabulous night of drinks, meeting Sam's fabulous friends and good food I crawled into bed and collapsed. Thanks for an awesome evening Sam!

Today was running some domestic errands and then meeting up with Scott and Puck to get the run down of how to take care of Puck since he is going to be my dog for thanksgiving weekend! (Yay!) and then taking a nap (aka sleeping while trying to eat dinner).

All in all I had a great weekend and am in shock that we are already nearing the end of November!!

Two weeks until NY!!! And before I know it i will be in Idaho with the family! AND I just got word that get to take care of Wyatt for a whole day while my sister takes her architecture exam...basically I am never giving him back to her!!

Hope everyone else had a great weekend! Any good stories?


As some of you know I am very....particular about my toothbrushes and teeth hygiene in general. I use toothbrushes like it is my job, since I tend to brush regularly, and also can't stand the feeling of a worn out toothbrush. Granted I feel a bit bad about the nine hundred toothbrushes I have placed in a landfill somewhere but to my sheer joy I stumbled on a green alternative that makes my OCD tooth brushing habit a bit healthier for the environment. And it comes in fun colors too! (Husky Purple anyone?)

Made by Preserve, their toothbrushes are made from recycled yogurt cups! The bristles are new, and then brush has a neat angled design to get into the hard-to-reach places. And to top it all off...once you are done with it...mail it back to be recycled again!!

Checking out the Preserve website today (go ahead...I know you want to order your recycled toothbrush right now) I also found a toothbrush subscription....A-mazing!!!

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Yea thats right, I am half way to be an Olympian! (2010 Vancouver here I come!)
One of my co-workers is a seriously awesome curler (not sure if that is what you call them) but she hosts an open house event each year where clients, co-workers and friends come to learn how to curl and play a few games. I had had an introduction to curling in college with some ADPis and it was more fun than I can describe, so I was excited to try again.

I definitely didn't retain my skills from college but we all seemed to get the hang of it by the end of the evening. And I think it would be fair to say, we would all jump at the opportunity to do it again!

Some team photos of "The Haters"

Some Notes of Awesome.

Some awesome things I have come across lately as well as some awesome news.

1) Gummy Bear Chandelier. Dusting this would be a nightmare, and I am sure bug and flies could be an issue...but I still think this is unbelievably fabulous.

2) Urns and floral/feather arrangements:

While doing my usual wedding/event blog surfing I came across this posting on FeteFanatic about elegant displays of urns. My favorite below, but check out the post for full photos and details.

I would do this one with a some very long stemmed white roses with silver whisps and some sort of crystal bling.

3) I hope Brooke does a post on this. But this house in Sun Valley has been a love affair of mine since I first laid eyes on it about three years ago.

4) And in awesome news: Congrats Ben on your job offer!!! So excited for you and am so glad this keeps you in DC (since I selfishly would be very sad if you left me here!)

Friday, November 13, 2009

Top Chef Worthy

I joke about winning Top Chef (after I complete culinary school of course!) with the world's best cupcake but the other night I might have made something that would seal the deal, so cupcake is out...Asparagus in a brown butter, red wine vinegar, soy reduction....my new winning dish.

The Delish Dish:

A bundle of fresh (or frozen) asparagus
Red Wine Vinegar
Soy Sauce
Kosher Salt
Olive Oil

lightly oil the bottom of a pan and place the asparagus side by side. Season generously with salt. Bake in an over at 375-400 for 8ish minutes.

While asparagus is doing its thing in the oven. In a small sauce pan, melt 2 tbs of butter, let it slightly brown (This is key!!) right at the brown turning point, add 1 tsp of soy and 1 tbs of the red wine vinegar. Stir and over low-medium heat allow the sauce to reduce. Take asparagus out, and immediately pour reduction over the spears. Let stand just a few minutes. Serve. Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Three Clicks of my Ruby Red Mouse

With just a few clicks I confirmed I will be home in Idaho in 37 (hopefully quick) days!

I can not wait for:
the Poodle
The Festival of trees
Drinks and dinner with friends
Guido's Pizza
Yen Ching Egg Rolls
Cookie making
Popcorn balls
Tree decorating (this is a HUGE deal in my family)
Playing the Piano and Violin
Ramey Rolls on Christmas morning
Christmas Eve at Aunt Dixie and Uncle Blaine's and with that green bean casserole and fruit salad
Christmas Eve church
Driving down Harrison Blvd and seeing the Christmas lights
Sun Valley
Trans Siberian Orchestra
Parents Cooking
Lottery Tickets
Table Rock
My mom's out of control Christmas decorations
Cheese from the
Sunday morning pancakes
Shaw Mountain Road (Driving like speed racer)
Fires and cheese and crackers
My down comforter and Christmas movies
Driving aimlessly with Kim
Pumpkin Milkshakes
Barbara Barbara (fingers crossed for a new dress)
Gingerbread Housing Developments

I am sure many more things will come to me, but that is a start!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Dinner with Michelle

This happened quite awhile ago, and I really should have blogged about it in real time, but my waves of blogging motivation did not bode well when this happened. But here is the story now...be prepared to be jealous. (Ok not really).

A few weekends ago I was meeting up with some close friends at a restaurant I have wanted to try for a long time. Oyamel, is by the same peeps who do Jaleo, which I have been to and LOVED. Anyways, back to the point. Meeting up with my friends for dinner/dessert (I had already eaten dinner sadly), but I show up the Oyamel and am greeted in the breeze way to the restaurant by a secret service agent (ear piece and all) asking if he can search my coat and bag because there is a "VIP" in the house. I agree (who would I to be like "umm no, I am above you snooping through my bag"). I asked who the VIP was, and he coyly smiles and says "enjoy your dinner". I saddle up at the bar waiting for my friends to arrive, grab a drink, crane my neck around to see who could possibly be here (I doubted I would recognize one, since politics are the last thing on my mind). Friend arrive, we get seated. And before we know it, there are paparazzi like flashes and we finally find out that it was MICHELLE!! O-YES, OBAMA.

So I dinned with Michelle. Yes I am honored. Oh and while we are taking about all things fabulous--the Café de Olla, DELISH. A must try if you are here.

The Man in My Life

For those of you who haven't spent time with Creamsicle, (1) you are missing out, and (2) let me introduce you to the Man in my life who has been there for years and years!

Creamscicle, Creamy, or the Creamster (whichever category you falling to: readers, friend or family might know him by something different) was purchase by my hard earned childhood dollars from a store in downtown Boise after seeing him with my mom and lusting after him and his fuzzy glory for weeks on end. If I remember correctly he set me back a whopping $12 (in children's dollars that was like $103,487,099.04). He was the fluffiest, softest thing I had ever laid my hands on. He was so fuzzy you could hardly find his little eyes.

He originally looked something like this little guy:

Now after many travels (I think he has only missed one rafting trip in our relationship due to the fact that the chance of flipping our raft and losing a bag was a real possibility), auditions, recitals, break-ups, ski races, and any other life events he started to loose some of his fluff and pristine cream color. My dad used to give "creamster" (dads name) baths in a big glass bowl in our kitchen and then would dry him and take the time to "re-fluff" him with a comb. (And we wonder why I have daddy-daughter complex). Well after all these years, Creamy is still the man in my life, even if a little battered and de-fluffed:

I am sure you are wondering what spurred this gem of a post. Well I have been thinking of meaningful things to get Wyatt since I feel so absent and like the Aunt he will never know. But I was hoping to pick him up his own Creamy to go through his life adventures with. When I was looking online I ran across this photo on Flickr by millerburmilla of her trusty Creamsicle and her belly. Remind me to take a photo like this when I am starting my family, because I am sure that Creamsicle will be around for that event as well.

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Thanks to our awesome new brokers Jessica and I were given four front row tickets to the friday night Caps game. Jessica brought her husband and I took Ben to take advantage of the $295 face value tickets ( I love networking!).

The game was really fun, always helps when your team wins (Go Caps!). Yes that is right, I am actually cheering for a DC team these days. Ut-o you may say, I can't think about it. I am on overload with my new found DC residency, license plates, and now sports teams!

I rather enjoyed the chance to bang on the glass and get super into the game. Best part, on all the replays on TV today, you can see the four of us sitting in the background. Love it!

We are sitting right behind the Geico sign:

Jessica and I:

After the game Ben and I grabbed some drinks at Clyde's and then called it an end to an awesome evening.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Falling in Love

So I am not a J. Crew groupie like some might think. Yes, I like it. Yes, I think they have some great pieces. No, I can't afford it. But I may have to start bringing my lunch to work a few more times a week and cutting back on eating out just to afford some of the items in this seasons collection. The headbands alone have me salivating!
This silk sash is delectable!

These headbands are so perfectly me...

And can't you all see me in this Miss. Ribbons and Bows dress??

I can.

And I want this for my Holiday Party in Dec.

Perhaps I will win the lottery??